Word Up!
I've always loved words, how they are spelled, how they sound, how they look when written. My favourite book when I was little was " We like kindergarten" , if you can believe it. I used to love spelling bees and word searches, the game " Boggle" and " hangman". Growing up, I was a reader and cherish the memories of reading a book purchased at a local second-hand book store in Golden Lake, on the front porch of a rented cottage. When I first heard rap music, I was intrigued by how fast they could string together words and rhymes, making up new words and expressions in songs that are still fun to listen to even now. Think about how much fun it is to hear "It's Tricky" by Run DMC or "Baby Got Back", all these years later! I'm also fascinated by peoples reactions to words, and I'm not talking about poor grammar like the confusion about their/they're/there, but those words that seem to cause a visceral reaction. ...