All I Know So Far
It's a deep freeze in Ottawa but everyday I get up to have my left side nuked, at least that's how I think of my radiation. I've now finished 4 out of 15 doses and in this post, I'll explain (since I am getting a lot of questions) the process. First off, after these 4 doses, I've had no side effects. I've been told to expect anytime after the mid-way point and continuing to the first couple of weeks after the end of treatment. The two most likely side effects will be skin burning/peeling (anywhere along my left side, front, back and underarm) and fatigue. I am doing everything I can to prevent both of those by using creams twice a day on the treated areas and being consistent at the gym to combat fatigue. Only time will tell if it makes any difference, but I believe it will. So, the actual process of radiation is surprisingly quick. On the first day, I got a bi-fold card, about the size of a cell phone, that has a scan code for me to check myself into...